A Turkish court has acquitted German journalist Mesale Tolu after years on trial for terror-related charges. “After 4 years, 8 months and 20 days: Acquitted of both charges!” Tolu tweeted after her
The first death from a massive underwater volcanic blast near the Pacific island nation of Tonga has been confirmed, as the extent of the damage remained unknown Monday. Tonga remained virtually cut
Des dizaines de wagons de marchandises sont fracturés chaque jour à Los Angeles par des voleurs qui profitent de leur arrêt pour piller les colis qu’ils transportent, laissant sur les rails des
Novak Djokovic’s hopes of playing at the Australian Open were dashed Sunday after a court dismissed the top-ranked tennis star’s appeal against a deportation order. Three Federal Court judges upheld a decision
DirecTV plans to drop One America News Network, significantly shrinking the reach of the right-wing TV channel friendly to Donald Trump and widely criticized for spreading misinformation including the former president’s false
Tsunami – A massive underwater volcanic eruption in the South Pacific caused flooding in the US. A tsunami warning was put into effect for the US West Coast, Alaska, and Hawaii on
France – Des dizaines de milliers de pass sanitaires devraient être désactivés faute de rappel de vaccin anti-Covid samedi en France, date-butoir fixée par le gouvernement, sur fond de nouvelles manifestations des
Kazakhstan – Les violents troubles au Kazakhstan qui ont débuté par des manifestations pacifiques contre la hausse des prix de l’énergie ont fait 225 morts, ont annoncé samedi les autorités, une augmentation
Chili – Le Bureau national des situations d’urgence du Chili (Onemi) a mis en garde samedi contre la possibilité qu’un “tsunami mineur” n’atteigne l’île de Pâques et d’autres archipels chiliens à la
Milan. Squares to be occupied, pieces of the city to be torn up and submitted to their own authority. Behind the horrible night of collective sexual harassment in Piazza Duomo there is