Afghanistan is once again becoming a breeding ground for Islamist terrorists, and British extremists have already attempted to travel there, the head of the UK’s security service MI5 has warned. Ken McCallum
︎ مواجهة أوكرانيا تلقي بظلالها على قمة قطر للغاز الصادر في : 20/02/2022 تستضيف قطر ، المورد الرئيسي للغاز ، قمة حول هذه السلعة وسط ارتفاع الطلب العالمي والمخاوف الأوروبية المحيطة بإمداداتها
Buckingham Palace says Queen Elizabeth II has tested positive for COVID-19 and is experiencing mild, cold-like symptoms. The palace said Sunday that the 95-year-old British monarch will continue with light duties. The
Western hostages hope for freedom as part of new Iran nuclear deal – Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, the British-Iranian woman held in Iran, could soon be freed alongside other prisoners as hopes rise that
Donald Trump et son épouse Melania Trump vont vendre 10 000 NFT illustrant des moments-clés du mandat de l’ancien président républicain, a annoncé jeudi Parler, le réseau social conservateur pro-Trump. La collection d’objets numériques authentifiés consiste en “10 œuvres d’art numériques originales, mettant en valeur des moments emblématiques de
Salama Khalfan, entrepreneuse et créatrice de bijoux émiratie, a été nommée rédactrice en chef de Marie Claire Arabia. Elle contribuera aux rubriques du magazine consacrées à la beauté, à la société, à
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Saudi Arabia can qualify for a sixth World Cup next month and in 2023 go to China in an attempt to win a fourth Asian Cup. The Green Falcons have a long
Jordan’s government announced the lifting of some COVID-19 restrictions on Thursday. Travelers to Jordan, whether citizens or foreigners, are no longer required to undergo a PCR test upon arrival in the country
Heavy rains, flooding kill dozens in Brazil’s ‘Imperial City’ – At least 94 people died in the historic Brazilian mountain town of Petropolis, local government officials said on Wednesday, after heavy rains